07-06-2024, 03:28 PM
For an annual fee I could open a private parlor w/2 tournaments(1 elim and 1 round robin).
There seems to be some concern regarding socializing on the site, due to the alert system Hank has put in place to hopefully increase tournament play.
The tournament msg boards are being limited to tournament related chat so that people won't be bombarded with people's personal comments in their alerts.
And the openplay msg board has been shut down all together for personal comments.
This brings up the idea of a private parlor. The parlor would have Chat rooms in which we could socialize freely. Of course, as in any community, there will be pushback on extreme rudeness.
We can discuss, debate, give our opinions, joke around, post pics of your ugly pets, recipes, quotes from your favorite Philosophers, and whatnot.
There would be as many people who are interested. Realistically, we could have 30-40 people. 16(elim) 8-12 round robin and several alternates(for when people need time off.
I would also bump 2-3 low players and no shows for 1 tour to make sure we always have enough players to fill the tourneys)).
At this point, I am only reaching out to get opinions. Also asking you to chime in w/ a yea or nay. As far as the cost, I will figure out if this seems to be something a good number of people wish to participate in.
If this doesn't fly w/a couple dozen or more people, I will bag on the idea. I personally think this would be fun and I would do my best to make this a fun place to hang out.
Thank you for your consideration! --BigMur--
Be sure to vote in the Poll and/or reply to this message.
There seems to be some concern regarding socializing on the site, due to the alert system Hank has put in place to hopefully increase tournament play.
The tournament msg boards are being limited to tournament related chat so that people won't be bombarded with people's personal comments in their alerts.
And the openplay msg board has been shut down all together for personal comments.
This brings up the idea of a private parlor. The parlor would have Chat rooms in which we could socialize freely. Of course, as in any community, there will be pushback on extreme rudeness.
We can discuss, debate, give our opinions, joke around, post pics of your ugly pets, recipes, quotes from your favorite Philosophers, and whatnot.
There would be as many people who are interested. Realistically, we could have 30-40 people. 16(elim) 8-12 round robin and several alternates(for when people need time off.
I would also bump 2-3 low players and no shows for 1 tour to make sure we always have enough players to fill the tourneys)).
At this point, I am only reaching out to get opinions. Also asking you to chime in w/ a yea or nay. As far as the cost, I will figure out if this seems to be something a good number of people wish to participate in.
If this doesn't fly w/a couple dozen or more people, I will bag on the idea. I personally think this would be fun and I would do my best to make this a fun place to hang out.
Thank you for your consideration! --BigMur--

Be sure to vote in the Poll and/or reply to this message.