Introduction to the Raptor League Backgammon Tournament
The Raptor League is the biggest tournament on SimplyBG. Made up of 36 players divided into three divisions ie 12 players per division.

Every month, except for June and December, when the league is on break, every player plays all the other members of their division once in a 7-point backgammon match - so three Match-Play backgammon-matches a week.

The matches results are converted into "League Points" - three for a win, nothing for a loss plus an extra point to the winner if the margin of victory is 4 or more, or an extra point for the loser if they get close.

At the end of every month, the three leaders of each division are promoted to play in a higher division and the three lowest placed are relegated down a division. Thus the Eagles are the 12 strongest players in the league, the Hawks the next tier, and the Falcons the lowest ranked.

To join the League you have to work your way up, firstly by joining the Fledglings and achieving third place or better ..... and then you have to strive each month to improve your ranking or hold on to your place!

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