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    Dice Integrity at SimplyBG.com

    The entire trust of online backgammon play is central to the integrity of the dice rolls. At SimplyBG.com, the dice rolls are extremely important and therefore carefully obtained. Our dice rolls are neither cursed or blessed. And that's a good thing.

    Ambrose Bierce Quote

    Cursed or Blessed?

    What is a cursed number or a blessed number? In a random sequence of numbers, a number may be said to be cursed because it has come up less often in the past, and so it is thought that it will occur less often in the future. A number may be assumed to be blessed because it has occurred more often than others in the past, and so it is thought likely to come up more often in the future. Logic like this is only valid only if the randomization is biased, for example with loaded dice. If the dice are fair, then previous rolls do not indicate future events.

    No Motivation, No Bots, No Ads, No Prizes

    Dice rolls at SimplyBG are without motivation, profit or prejudice. The dice rolls at SimplyBG are, in fact, unbiased in any way. SimplyBG.com, with complete intent, is set-up to be free of having any motivation that may be construed to affect dice rolls. In no way does this site, or anyone for that matter, benefit from having altered dice rolls. This site does not favor any opponent for any reason.

    Trust SimplyBG
    Quite frankly, there is nothing to be gained. There are no prizes or penalties, or free subscriptions, for winning or losing. SimplyBG does not support advertisements on the backgammon-play-boards. So there are no reasons, no gain, for us to affect the randomness of the dice rolls in your games.

    There are no bots (robots) here, no artificial intelligence. SimplyBG does not have the intellectual capacity to make strategic moves, to win or to lose, and therefore has no idea what a good or bad dice roll would be. SimplyBG is nothing more than a rules enforcer of the game of backgammon. This is it's only capacity, no more. And the dice rolls and rules enforcement are completely isolated from one another. There is no connection or awareness of the dice to the board. Knowing what would be a good roll or a bad roll is completely absent to SimplyBG.

    Our most serious players will appreciate the extreme care that has been taken for the dice rolls. And so for the randomness of our dice, we have chosen to let the professionals, the scientists of randomness, the experts, handle this for us, and for you.

    Computers and Randomness

    First of all, computer logic and randomness are like oil and water. Any program used to create randomness is, by nature, false. For this, it is simply not attempted here at SimplyBG.com. Internally, many software languages have built-in random generators. All these generators require entropy , or noise, to produce randomness. Even though SimplyBG.com could use these built-in random generators, bacause of the lack of entropy, it does not.

    Nowhere does SimplyBG.com contain computer code for generating rice rolls. What this means is there is NO algorithm used to create dice rolls at SimplyBG.com. Nowhere in the process of providing dice rolls here at SimplyBG.com, is there a computer involved to generate randomness? None whatsoever.

    Leaving it to the Experts

    In the world of computers, Entropy is needed to create randomness. We know that Randomness and Integrity Services Ltd, Random.org has mastered randomness using entropy from the natural and physical world. This results in “true” random numbers. Random.org is used to generate highly random dice rolls for SimplyBG using atmospheric noise. See: Details about the Audio Noise Generator

    Baron Vernon Ball

    Most Recent Dice Roll Statistics @ SimplyBG

    The data below is a summary of the last 10,000 (20K dice) rolls of the most recently played games:
    Dice 1 appeared 3,291 times (16.46%)
    Dice 2 appeared 3,398 times (16.99%)
    Dice 3 appeared 3,229 times (16.15%)
    Dice 4 appeared 3,310 times (16.55%)
    Dice 5 appeared 3,374 times (16.87%)
    Dice 6 appeared 3,398 times (16.99%)

    Double 1 appeared 245 times.
    Double 2 appeared 253 times.
    Double 3 appeared 228 times.
    Double 4 appeared 243 times.
    Double 5 appeared 270 times.
    Double 6 appeared 278 times.

    Last updated: Tue, 22-Oct-24 04:22 AM MST, 1 hour, 5 minutes ago.
    Doubles appeared
    overall @ 15.17%

    To see dice roll statistics of your own completed matches Dice Roll Statistics page of the dashboard.

    At SimplyBG.com, we depend on your trust and confidence in the dice rolls. Please let us know if there is something else we can do to insure your confidence in the randomness of the dice at SimplyBG.

    More Reading

    www.Random.org, What's this fuss about true randomness?
    Randomness, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    • Fallacies of random numbers:
      — A number is "due", see Coupon collector's problem.
      — A number is "cursed" or "blessed", The Benford's law.
      — Odds are never dynamic.
      — Inverse gambler's fallacy.
      — Probability is in the Mind.
      — Entropy
      — What Backgammon Can Teach Us About “Luck”