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    Latest Support News

    SimplyBG strives to support all Internet enabled devices, desktops, tablets, handhelds, and more. And since SimplyBG is a Web-Application, it depends on the Internet Web-Browser on your device to support basic functionality.

    The browser you are running is known as the unknown-type browser.

    SimplyBG does require the use of cookies and local storage (localStorage) in your web-browser. Be sure you have these two basic services of your browser enabled, see: How to Enable cookies and local storage.

    Common in most all modern browsers are "extension", also known as "addons" or "plugins". For a summary of extensions/addons and how to list them, enable them, disable them, or install them, see: Extensions Summary

    Many of these devices have the ability to run many different Web-Browsers, such as Google Chrome, Opera, Silk, Mozilla Firefox, the Brave Browser, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Slimjet, Netscape, QupZilla, Konqueror, Epiphany and many others.

    There exists a vast variety of compliance and feature supported in these Internet Web-Browsers. This page is dedicate to helping you understand what you'll expect from your device and preferred Web-Browser when playing backgammon at SimplyBG.

    Recommended Browsers

    In most cases, any problems you're experiencing with SimplyBG on your device will likely be remedied by simply switching to on the the preferred free browsers, the Brave Browser, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

    Most likely you were able to connect with SimplyBG and begin playing without issues. If you are experiencing play issues, please continue reviewing the support notes on this page relevant to your specific setup. If your particular device and Web-Browser are not noted here, and you're experiencing problems, please use the Feedback form found on the /play/ page where the backgammon board is shown. The Feedback form will not only send your message, it will report specific details about the platform you're running on, release versions included.

    The Brave Browser

    No known issues.
    This browser is the one we recommend for most stable SimplyBG play.
    Site: the Brave Browser, https://brave.com/features


    The software seems to log alerts and warnings relating to Firefox version 48.0. Upgrade to latest version of Firefox resolves most, if not all, issues.
    Site: Get Mozilla Firefox

    Apple/Mac Safari

    Although many players use Safari without issues, several have experienced problems with audio not work and checkers not moving, specifically with version 12 or newer. If you are experiencing problems, consider switching tothe Brave Browserorthe Google Chrome Browserorto the Mozilla Firefox Browser
    All are available as free installs on Apple systems.
    Note, Private Browsing in Safari will not work since Safari will disable "localStorage" in this mode.
    Many users have had issues renewing membership subscriptions while doing so from the Safari web-browser.

    Google Chrome

    No known issues.
    Site: Get Google Chrome

    Amazon Kindle

    The Amazon Kindle uses a browser known by the name "Silk". There are no known issues.


    No known issues.

    Microsoft Edge

    No known issues, although some users have had issues with "localStorage" not working. See this link for details: localStorage Not working in Edge

    According to the article posted there, you may need to do these steps:
    Repair / Reset Edge
    Windows Key+i > Apps > Click Edge > Advanced Options
    Repair - No data will be impacted.

    You should also check for the extension "Norton Web Safe" and disable it if is installed and enabled. If you need assistance with Extensions in Edge, see this page: How to install Extensions in Microsoft Edge


    No known issues, as long as you connect to SimplyBG using any of the supported browsers.


    Other than issues noted above relating to the Safari Web-Browser, no known issues.

    Microsoft Surface

    No known issues.

    Last updated: 2023-02-15