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    Online Backgammon With Friends

    Play backgammon online against real players, friends and family. Find a new opponent in one of our match-making parlours.

    At SimplyBG there are no time limits for your matches. All games and matches are saved automatically so you can continue a match whenever you're online.

    You can play backgammon using SimplyBG from anywhere, from your laptop, tablet or any mobile phone.
    Play anywhere from any device
    Play anywhere from any device.

    Our dice rolls are the most random of any online backgammon play venue. We take extra effort to ensure total randomness of the dice.See our statement on dice integrity here, Random.org

    Player ratings supported using the ELO rating system.

    Double-cube and Crawford Rule are supported.

    Matches can be watched live by others, or played privately if you choose.

    Support for Money Play Rules, Nackgammon, Longgammon and Hypergammon.



    Registration is free. Affordable membership packages.There are no software installation requirements, no downloads, no plugins.SimplyBG.com is compatible with all devices, laptops, desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

    Are you looking to play a specific friend and want some assistance connecting with them? Try the Find My Friend tool.
    Regular Backgammon Tournaments, weekly and daily
    Regular Backgammon Tournaments, weekly and daily

    Finding An Opponent

    Find available opponents in the Openplay Parlour.

    Or use the Invitation Manager tool to reach out to others to come play here, new members and existing members alike.

    Support SimplyBG

    We rely solely on subscriptions to keep us online.
    With your support, you will be able to to continue playing backgammon online with friends and family and have the opportunity to meet new challenging opponents.

    Come join in at our    Community Forum

    SimplyBG T-Shirts
    SimplyBG T-Shirts
    Available at all SimplyBG
    Tournament Events

    Can you spare a few moments to take a 10-question survey? Take the "Players Profile" survey.
    Your input is important to us!

    Dice Statistics

    Most Recent Dice Roll Statistics @ SimplyBG

    The data below is a summary of the last 10,000 (20K dice) rolls of the most recently played games:
    Dice 1 appeared 3,291 times (16.46%)
    Dice 2 appeared 3,398 times (16.99%)
    Dice 3 appeared 3,229 times (16.15%)
    Dice 4 appeared 3,310 times (16.55%)
    Dice 5 appeared 3,374 times (16.87%)
    Dice 6 appeared 3,398 times (16.99%)

    Double 1 appeared 245 times.
    Double 2 appeared 253 times.
    Double 3 appeared 228 times.
    Double 4 appeared 243 times.
    Double 5 appeared 270 times.
    Double 6 appeared 278 times.

    Last updated: Tue, 22-Oct-24 04:22 AM MST, 1 hour, 4 minutes ago.
    Doubles appeared
    overall @ 15.17%
    See why our dice are random at the Dice Integrity Page.